Divine Generosity and Righteous Leadership: A Transformative Journey of Joy

A Divine Appointment in Indonesia

From Generosity to Divine Generosity

For over two decades, I have dedicated my life to the call of righteous leadership. Through A Ray of Light Ministries, which owns RighteousLeadership.com, and our Righteous Leadership Podcast, we've been spreading the message of integrity centered leadership, guided by divine wisdom. However, it wasn't until a providential meeting halfway across the globe that I discovered a profound connection that would deepen and enrich this mission: the link between righteous leadership and divine generosity.

At an International Mission conference hosted by Operational Mobilization (OM) in Indonesia, I had the privilege of meeting Mary Pudaite, the Global Generosity Strategist for SIL International. This encounter, seemingly by chance, was nothing short of divine orchestration. As a board member of OM USA, I've been involved in numerous conferences, but this one would prove transformative in ways I couldn't have imagined.
Prior to meeting Mary, I was already familiar with the concept of generous giving. As a facilitator for Generous Giving's "Journey of Generosity" (aka JOG), I had embraced their vision: "To see the generosity of God displayed through the generosity of God's people." This noble vision had triggered my search for a deeper understanding of generosity.

Within the first five minutes of meeting Mary, I realized she was the answer to my search. It was truly a Mary moment, where my spirit leaped. I immediately realized that Mary wasn't talking about a Journey of Generosity (JOG); but "The Journey and Joy of Generosity (JJOG)." This may seem subtle, but it's significantly different. As illustrated in the image above, Mary was unveiling a dimension of generosity that only flows from a place of God's joy and generosity.

The Revelation of Divine Generosity 

It wasn't until several months after my trip to Indonesia that the Lord revealed to me the purpose of this divine appointment with Mary. The Lord said, "I did not just connect two people, but I connected the visions (The Journey and Joy of Generosity and  Righteous Leadership).

Two are better than one! [Ecclesiastes 4:9]

The Profound Connection

As I reflected on this revelation, several key insights emerged about the connection between divine generosity and righteous leadership:

  1. Joy-Driven Service: A righteous leader, inspired by divine generosity, serves from a place of joy, not obligation. This joy-filled service reflects the heart of God and His delight in giving.
  2. Abundance from Unity with God: Righteous leadership involves aligning with God's generous nature, tapping into an inexhaustible source of abundance to bless others.
  3. Stewardship of Divine Joy: Leaders recognize that their ability to give and lead generously stems from their connection to God's joy, transforming their leadership approach.
  4. Holistic Generosity: Divine generosity in leadership extends beyond material giving to include time, wisdom, and emotional support, mirroring God's all-encompassing generosity.
  5. Cultivating a Joy-Filled Generous Culture: By embodying divine generosity, a righteous leader fosters an environment where joy and generosity become contagious, inspiring others to live similarly.

From Theory to Practice: The Journey of Joy and Generosity  

The partnership born from that fateful meeting in Indonesia soon bore fruit. Mary invited me to co-facilitated "The Journey of Joy and Generosity" with pastors and leaders of SIL in South Sudan. This experience brought the theoretical connection between divine generosity and righteous leadership into vivid, practical reality.

Witnessing the transformation in these leaders as they grasped the power of joy-filled, divinely inspired generosity in their leadership roles was nothing short of inspiring. The harvest, as we say, was truly plentiful.

Looking Ahead: Expanding the Vision 

A Lesson in Divine Guidance  

This journey has taught me a powerful lesson: if God has to send you all the way across the globe to partner you with the right person so that you will fulfill the call of God on your life, He will. My meeting with Mary wasn't just a coincidence; it was a divine appointment that has enriched my understanding of righteous leadership and expanded the impact of our ministry in ways I could never have anticipated.
The connection between divine generosity and righteous leadership is not just a theoretical concept—it's a transformative approach to leadership that has the power to change lives, communities, and even nations. It goes beyond mere human generosity to tap into the joy and abundance of God's own generous nature.

As we continue to explore and teach this connection, we invite leaders worldwide to embrace the principles of divine generosity in their leadership journey. Remember, true righteous leadership is not just about making the right decisions or being generous out of duty; it's about joyfully and generously pouring into others from the overflow of our unity with God's generous heart.

Let us lead with open hands, open hearts, and joy-filled spirits, reflecting the divine generosity that has been so graciously extended to us all. In doing so, we not only become more effective leaders but also closer reflections of the Divine Leader we serve.


Our work is far from over. Before the end of 2024, Mary and I are set to co-facilitate another session with a similar group in Nairobi, Kenya. This expansion of our mission fills me with hope and excitement for the future of righteous leadership worldwide, now infused with the concept of divine generosity.

1 Comment

Elaine Lo - October 16th, 2024 at 12:41pm

Ray! So exciting to read your account of how God is showing you the way His calling you to teach on righteous leadership is now linked to understanding and walking in the joy of divine generosity! Praying for more Holy Spirit encounters!!!