Through Faith & Patience: A Lesson in God's Timing

"...imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." - Hebrews 6:12 (NIV)

As I recently celebrated my 60th birthday, I found myself reflecting on a lifetime of faith and the unexpected lessons that continue to shape my spiritual journey. While I've long considered myself a man of faith, walking by belief and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), recent events have shown me that I still have much to learn about patience and trusting in God's perfect timing.

The Birthday Surprise

In the week leading up to my 60th birthday, I was consumed with preparations for what I believed would be a small, intimate gathering of friends at my home. Little did I know that my loving wife was secretly orchestrating a surprise celebration in my honor. In my laser-focused state, I inadvertently made her task far more challenging than it needed to be. 

The Danger of Misplaced Focus 

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the potential pitfalls of intense focus, even when our intentions are good. In my eagerness to create a memorable birthday experience, I nearly missed out on the beautiful surprise my wife had planned. This realization led me to contemplate the delicate balance between faith, works, and patience in our spiritual lives. 

Faith, Works, and Patience 

We're often reminded that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:26), but my recent experience has led me to a profound conclusion: the essential "work" that accompanies faith is patience. As we strive to live out our faith, we must remember that God's timing rarely aligns with our own plans and expectations. 

The EGO Problem: Edging God Out  

In retrospect, I recognize that my intense focus on birthday preparations was, in a sense, an attempt to control the situation. This desire for control, however well-intentioned, can sometimes lead us to "edge God out" – or EGO, as I've come to think of it. When we become so fixated on our own plans and timelines, we risk missing the beautiful ways God is working behind the scenes. 

Embracing Faith and Patience   

As I reflect on the many watershed moments in my life, I realize that they often flourished not just because of faith, but also through patience. It's in those moments of waiting, trusting, and allowing God's plan to unfold that we truly experience the fullness of His promises. 

A Birthday Lesson    

In the end, the surprise birthday celebration was amazing, made all the more special by my wife's love and dedication. Yet, I almost missed out on this blessing due to my narrow focus. This experience serves as a powerful reminder to cultivate patience alongside our faith, allowing room for God's surprises and perfect timing in our lives. 

Moving Forward     

As I step into this new decade of life, I carry with me a renewed appreciation for the interplay of faith and patience. I encourage you, dear reader, to examine your own life and consider: Are there areas where your focus, however well-intentioned, might be edging God out? How might embracing patience alongside your faith open doors to unexpected blessings?

Let us strive to be like those mentioned in Hebrews 6:12, who "through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." For it is in this beautiful combination of trusting God and patiently awaiting His timing that we truly experience the fullness of His love and provision in our lives.

1 Comment

Kelly - September 29th, 2024 at 9:18pm

So good! A beautifully written reminder of God’s grace and patience with us when we lose sight of the big picture. I especially loved the callout on EGO! It was exactly what I needed to hear!